Too many HR systems?

Consider HR system consolidation using PeopleSpheres.

"We had 17 systems for 12,000 employees. IT, employees and Finance were all frustrated. We used PeopleSpheres to consolidate business processes across all systems. Employees love having one interface for all processes. Managers can easily see reports that matter to them. A lot of work was taken off IT, and we saved substantial money by not having to replace systems. We are glad we took a look at PeopleSpheres' new approach to HR technology." 

HR Manager, Multinational Bank


Group Before & After PSPS (1)

The problem with having too many HR systems

❌  Duplicate data entry

❌  Hard to get data for reports

❌  Expensive and slow IT projects

Discover the

PeopleSpheres approach!

PSPS app-1